Does it strike you as slightly tragic that all anyone ever really wants is just … to be happy, and yet it seems like so few people actually are happy?

We’re talking about why that is in this week’s #ClarityGem …

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Clarity Gem 5-14-15


It’s no wonder we’ve been programmed to look outside of ourselves for all of the answers in life. After all, we come into the world as blank slates. In order to survive, we must observe and imitate how other people behave. It’s how we learn.

And imitation works into adulthood … for automated things like driving a car, learning how to do yoga poses, and figuring out complicated software.

But imitation cannot be your strategy for finding happiness.

Why? Because the path that’s made one person happy might be completely irrelevant to your happiness. Your brother might be jazzed about working a steady 9-5 government job. Your best friend might be deeply fulfilled by her life as a first-responder to natural disasters in third world countries. Your boss might find contentment in the simple act of providing for her family.

The bottom line is, you can’t copy your brother, your best friend, or your boss’ path and expect to find your happiness. Because why their path fulfills them has everything to do with their values … and nothing to do with you.

twitter-birdYou can’t find happiness by imitating how you think other people found happiness. #ClarityGems

If you want to ensure that you’re never fulfilled or happy, then imitate away. Or … you could turn inward, get clear on what you value, and pursue your own version of happiness. Your choice.


Sometimes it’s just better to avoid long blog posts and cut straight to the point!

Think of #ClarityGems as your weekly shake of the good ‘ole Magic 8 Ball … you never know what might bubble up and how it might be exactly what you need to hear today.

And instead of just a beautiful, inspirational, and shareable image (which is a nice start), we’re giving you some quick thoughts about how to interpret it … because inspiration without action is pretty, but kind of anti-climatic.

Tweet it, share it on Instagram, or forward it along to someone who needs to hear it today … and tag us (@ClarityonFire) to let us know how this Gem is inspiring you!

Much Love,

Kristen + Rachel

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