It’s Thursday! Which means all the good shows come on tonight (are you watching Scandal and How to Get Away With Murder?? So good!). And of almost-equal importance, it’s #ClarityGem day. 🙂

Hopefully you won’t take this the wrong way, but this week’s Gem is about when things aren’t easy … and how that’s actually good for you.


This week, we want you to know:

easy button

Apply it to your own life:

Yeah, sometimes it’d be nice to have an “easy button.” But it’s hard to actually become someone if everything comes to you without effort.

So, if you want to become someone, then you’ve also got to become OK with leaving the confines of your comfort zone. You’ve heard it said that the magic happens right outside of your comfort zone. That’s true. And that’s also where character, personality, and your life’s purpose are made.

What are you going to do today that feels uncomfortable, but that you know deep down is good for you?

twitter-bird-1-380x285 The best parts of who you’ll become are won from getting comfortable with discomfort. #ClarityGems

Tell us how you took action:

Use #ClarityGems on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook to share how you’re applying this week’s Gem to your own life, and to see how other people are being inspired.

What #ClarityGems are all about:

Sometimes it’s just better to avoid long blog posts and cut straight to the point!

Think of #ClarityGems as your weekly shake of the good ‘ole Magic 8 Ball … you never know what might bubble up and how it might be exactly what you need to hear today.

And in addition to a beautiful, inspirational, and shareable image (which is a nice start), we’re giving you some quick thoughts about how to apply it to your life … because inspiration without action is pretty, but kind of anti-climatic.

Tweet it, share it on Instagram, or forward it along to someone who needs to hear it today … and tag us (@ClarityonFire) to let us know how this Gem applies to you!

Much Love,

Rachel + Kristen

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