You know that thing you want but can’t, for the life of you, seem to figure out or make happen?

we help you get there.

You might be stuck, confused, overwhelmed, and fed up, but you're sure that…

Are you ready to take a pause and actually address the real root of your problem?

You’ve probably caught yourself saying things like…

“It’s really rewarding to see the progress I’ve made in my career. You reassured me that this new role would align with my values, and you were 100% right! I’ve never felt more confident in my skills or more supported as an employee and team member! I never truly envisioned myself having a job like the one I have now, but in my heart I was determined to be fulfilled at work and find something that met my needs. My new reality is very different than I thought and also better than I thought possible!”

Kristy N.

You don’t have to know where to start.

If we waved a magic wand and fixed your current situation, you’d be happy for a very short time. And then inevitably life would throw something else at you, and you’d be totally unprepared for the change.

So, we’re not going to give you any quick fixes and we’re not going to help you solve the “problem of the day.”

When you show up to coaching, we’re not going to ask you, “So, what do you want to talk about today?” Most of our clients want us to tell them what to focus on. And that’s exactly what we do.

We know that your biggest goal is to become the most clear, confident, and directed version of yourself … which is infinitely more valuable than getting a quick fix that falls apart in a couple months.

So, you get to sit back, relax, and trust that we know how to get you there. No need to know what to focus on. That’s our job!

When you work with us you can expect to…

  • Become confident in who you are. Yes, we’ll help you with the concrete stuff like finding a dream job or the ideal partner, we promise. But you’ll be even more relieved that we’ll also help you discover the kind of person you want to be … because being fulfilled, happy, and confident is what really counts.
  • Benefit from over 10 years of experience with many hundreds of clients. We know what works, and we’ve honed our process with countless people!
  • Feel completely different, in a relatively short time. The most common thing a client says after coaching is, “I feel like a totally different person, but I’m somehow more me now than when I started.”
  • Legitimately speed things up. It’s so easy to waste years analyzing, deliberating, and never moving forward. In coaching, you make progress in weeks that would have taken months (or years) to complete on your own.

“When I signed up for coaching I was hoping for some clarity and direction, and I definitely got that. But what I wasn’t expecting was to feel so much calmer and less anxious on a daily basis. I used to overthink and agonize over every little decision, and now I just trust myself so much more. Honestly, that’s been even more valuable than knowing what I want to do next career-wise, although I don’t think I would have said that when I first started.”

Mary H.

Here’s how it’s going to work

  • Weekly sessions, over the phone or Zoom. Each session is an hour, and you get a recording of it so you can relisten whenever you want.
  • Unlimited email support in between sessions. Coaching isn’t just what happens in the hour we’re together each week — it’s also what happens in between.
  • Homework from our private library. Over 10 hours of videos and workbook prompts that majorly speed up your transformation. The beauty of having a coach is that you no longer have to do everything on your own! You have someone helping you figure out what you want to do, and then making sure that you do it.

let’s get going!

Price breakdown & what you get

Power Hour

single coaching session
$ 225
  • One 75-minute session with your coach
  • Bonus: Apply the cost of your Power Hour toward more coaching (50% toward 3-months or 100% toward 6 months)
Get Started

3 Months

of 1:1 coaching
$ 1999 Or 3 payments of $767
  • 6 one-on-one calls (60 mins each) with your coach
  • Unlimited email support in between sessions
  • 10+ hours of video content (yours to keep forever), based on our proven process
Limited Time

6 Months

of 1:1 coaching
$ 3499 Or 6 payments of $667
  • 12 one-on-one calls (60 mins each) with your coach
  • Unlimited email support in between sessions
  • 10+ hours of video content (yours to keep forever), based on our proven process
  • Access to the Passion Profile Short Course
  • Access to the Getting Over People Pleasing Course (not available to the public)
Best value

“Your gifts are so appreciated, it’s hard for me to even convey! I don’t know how you always know just how to lead me to those lightbulb moments, but every time I talk to you, I feel clearer and more myself. Thank you very much for providing that insight into myself that’s right on the surface, and yet I don’t see it. Something about the way you mirror things back to me helps 10,000%. Makes me very grateful and fills my heart right up!”

Nick P.

Let’s talk about it

If you’re interested in 1-on-1 coaching and want to explore your options, we’re happy to chat with you briefly and help you figure it out. We love to make sure that coaching is a good fit, both for you and for us.

Fill out this quick form, and either Kristen or Rachel will get back to you within 48 hours:


You can expect to spend an hour per week on the phone (or Zoom), as well as about an hour per week on homework.

On average, it takes a client about 6 months to complete 12 sessions, depending on their pace. We start out with weekly calls, and around the halfway point we usually switch to an every-other-week cadence. We always do what’s right for each client!

We have a pretty flexible rescheduling policy, which we can cover when we meet you.

This is super rare, but in the event that coaching isn’t a good fit for you, we offer a 14-day money-back guarantee. Within 14 days from your first coaching session, you may choose to alert your coach of your intention to stop, and we’ll be glad to refund your entire payment.

Definitely. If you’re the kind of person who isn’t willing to question what you think you know, or if you’re super impatient and just want results without doing any deeper work or trusting the process to work for you, this will not be a good fit.

“I just started my new job at a dream company! It has been night and day from my past experiences. They asked me to come in and take charge. I don’t have to ask for permission to implement what I want! I get to work remotely on global projects! You know what I was looking for — I got everything on my list. I have unlimited PTO, and can travel and work from anywhere. I have autonomy, and I feel the value of my work and its impact every day. I had to ask myself, “Is this what a non-toxic environment feels like?!”

Tia R.

Want to try coaching before deciding?

A Power Hour is the best way to give coaching a try before deciding if you want to invest in a full coaching package. 

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