We’ll take absolutely zero credit for the wisdom of this #ClarityGem. It comes straight from someone in the latest round of the PPVE. When we heard her say this, we both went “…damn, that’s good.”




playing it safe


Jenna (not her actual name) was telling us about her lifelong tendency to evade risk, keep her head down, and do what she’s “supposed” to do.

While musing about this default pattern, she said:

“You know, it’s ironic. I’ve never actually felt safe while I was playing it safe. It always felt wrong and stifling. It’s really only when I’ve taken risks and done what I felt called to do that I started to feel safe.”

This calls for an “amen.”

She’s right, you know. We cling to the safe, the known, the expected … thinking that in doing so, at least we’ll feel better in our safety than in whatever awaits us over there (the complete unknown, the chance of failure, the sting of other people’s opinions, the terror of having little control).

But it’s a trap. Because even though risk and uncertainty will always be uncomfortable, they’ll never feel worse than the CERTAIN letdown of compromising who you are and what you’re attracted to for the dullness that is safety.

Like Jenna said, there are HUGE risks in playing it safe … and there’s a lot of safety in taking risks.

We’ll let you chew on that one.

twitter-bird I’ve never felt safe while I was playing it safe. #ClarityGems

How is this #ClarityGem sitting with you today? Leave us a comment to let us know!


Sometimes it’s just better to avoid long blog posts and cut straight to the point!

Think of #ClarityGems as your weekly shake of the good ‘ole Magic 8 Ball … you never know what might bubble up and how it might be exactly what you need to hear today.

And instead of just a beautiful, inspirational, and shareable image (which is a nice start), we’re giving you some quick thoughts about how to interpret it … because inspiration without action is pretty, but kind of anti-climatic.

Tweet it, share it on Instagram, or forward it along to someone who needs to hear it today … and tag us (@ClarityonFire) to let us know how this Gem is inspiring you!

Much Love,

Kristen + Rachel

2 comments | add a comment | Share this > Tweet this > Email this >
  1. Oh wow. Amen, indeed. Something to consider.
    I definitely play it safe a lot of the time, in career, relationship, lifestyle… but I have also found that while it can stifling sometimes, it doesn’t always go against who I am and my values. I absolutely need stability, so sometimes it is more in tune for me to stay the course that to rock the boat. And if I AM going to make a change or take a chance, I need to do so with a safety net and/or some kind of back-up plan before making a move – without it I end up losing any potential benefits of the change to the ensuing emotional turmoil.

    1. Very true, Jen! Taking risks for the sake of it wouldn’t be a very good idea, for exactly the reason you gave — not having any sort of stability or plan steals peace and comfort from us, which then makes it harder to actually take the action that aligns with our values. So I’m with you! It’s a balance … just enough stability that we feel cared for, and just enough risk that we’re not staying stuck.

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