We’re excited because right now, at the time this email is being sent to you, we’re getting new photos and videos done for our BRAND NEW site. It’s going to be launching in September, so be on the lookout for updates and sneak peeks as we go through this process!

We’re also in the midst of planning the next round of the Passion Plan Virtual Experience (also coming to you in September-ish … are you on the VIP list?), as well as preparing some news for next week about our other course, the Passion Profile Short Course (there’s a preview about this at the very bottom of this blog).

So, with all of that going on, we figured this might be the perfect time to resurrect a past blog post … and since most of the multiple thousands of people (that number still feels wild for us to think about) who read this blog started following us less than a year ago, we’re sharing a throwback post that most of you have probably never seen.

This one might qualify as one of the only short blogs we’ve ever written. What can we say? We love talking! 😉

Enjoy, and we’ll see you on Thursday for a new #ClarityGem!

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You know when you stumble across something that rings a little too uncomfortably true?

The first time I saw this quote, I think I winced:

“Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.” – Earl Nightingale

Not to be melodramatic, but it’s kind of like when you think too hard about the Universe and get totally overwhelmed by the sheer scale of it. Instant head-buried-in-sand moment.

Thinking about the inevitability of time passing, I feel the same kind of mind-boggling anxiety. I’ll bet you’ve probably felt it, too.


You could totally be thinking, “Why are you trying to simultaneously depress me and make me anxious?”

It’s not intentional, I promise. Every once in a while, though, I think it’s good (and necessary) to get very real about life.

This is one of those times.

Because the fact is, every minute you spend not taking action, not making a decision, not feeling happy, and not living a life you’re passionate about … has already passed you by. You don’t get a do-over.

And the time is going to keep passing you by, regardless of what you’re doing.

When you think of it like that … what’s the point in saying, “I’ll do that tomorrow”?

This is your life. So far as we’re sure, it’s your only life. It’s getting lived, whether or not you’re enjoying the actual living. So for the love of the Universe and everything in it … don’t delay taking action if it’s going to lead you somewhere happier, freer, and more passionate than you are today.


It would be easy to take action if everyone knew what action to take. Most people are stopped short and being somewhat forced to waste their time, because they don’t have a clear idea of where they’re going or what they want in the first place.

And when they get stuck in that position, they typically try to think their way out of it.

If there’s any “big point” to what I’m sharing, it’s this: Action is the only thing that can truly get you un-stuck, and be worth your time in the process.

Maybe it’s the teensiest, tiniest step you could imagine. It’s better than overthinking it, obsessing about it, and wasting your valuable time being stuck.

You’re going to learn far more from the doing than the thinking.

Maybe you won’t take the exact right step. But you’ll probably learn something from the experience. And that, after all, is what life (and time) is all about – the experience.

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We’ve been taking this summer mostly as it comes … easy, flowing, and fun. There’s something about shifting into a lower gear that just works in the summer.

But it’s time for us to take our own advice and start taking action, too. Like we mentioned, we’ll be launching a brand new site AND opening the Passion Plan Virtual Experience for enrollment again in September. So if we don’t start taking action now, we’re going to lose out on a lot of momentum!

And the best way for us to get ready for big action is to help you get ready, too.

That’s why, next week, we’re going to give a select number of people discounted access to our first course, the Passion Profile Short Course.

We created the Short Course as THE best way to prime yourself to figure out your passion. This is where we teach you the “how” of figuring out your passion, then in the PPVE, we help you get clear on what your passion is and how to get it.

So, if you’re looking for something that will make figuring out your passion smoother, easier, and more pleasurable now AND in September, when the PPVE launches (we hope you’ll join us!), then the PPSC is a great pre-requisite.

We’ll give you the full details in next Tuesday’s blog!

Much Love,

Kristen + Rachel


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