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Happy 2019! Scroll down to get our take on why resolutions don’t work, and what to do instead.

And now, it’s time for another episode of Dear Krachel, a monthly advice segment where we answer audience questions about life, career, relationships, existential angst, and anything that helps you become a more whole, fulfilled version of yourself.

On this episode, we’re answering questions from:

After you’ve listened, leave us a comment below to let us know if our advice for these three ladies resonated with you, too.

Want to submit a question for our February episode of Dear Krachel? Fill out this form and you might hear us tackle your Q!


Before you try to set a bunch of New Year’s resolutions that, let’s face it, you won’t stick to more than a week, hear this:

Resolutions don’t work! Why? Because their very nature is busted. They’re an attempt to solve an internal problem with an external solution. You can try all you want to lose 20 pounds or find a new job, but if you don’t connect with the deeper issues under the surface, you won’t find success or be able to maintain progress.

Coaching is exactly the opposite of setting resolutions, which is why it works. It address problems from the inside-out, rather than the outside-in. So, if you’d like 2019 to end on a vastly different note than 2018, there’s no time like the present to chat with us about 1-on-1 coaching!

Reach out to us here and we’ll talk it out together.


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Submit your question for a future episode of Dear Krachel

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  1. “Let’s make your life better and then make it easier to recognize what your next career step is”

    I think I was meant to listen to this in my morning commute. I’ve been struggle city with my career as of late and it seems like that burnout feeling is starting to drown me. I’ve been in the mentality that – if I can just get a better job (once I figure out what that is) then I will be happier. But this really hit at something deeper.

    Thank you ladies!

    1. You’re welcome, Alyx! I know it can feel counter-intuitive, but it’s often FAR more productive to first focus on feeling better in general, and then allow that more positive momentum to ripple outward and uplift the more troublesome areas of your life.

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