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In times like these it can be especially hard to tune in to your intuition and receive guidance. Fear and uncertainty create a LOT of noise, both internally and externally!

And, ironically, it’s exactly when we’re most afraid and unsure that we most need to be able to receive wisdom and inspiration.

So, if you’re having a hard time getting calm, quieting your mind, and tuning in (understandable, if so!), we thought we’d help you out by doing what witches do best and conjuring a message from the Universe for you today.

In this episode Rachel whipped out one of her woo-woo oracle decks and pulled a few cards for all of us. One of the 3 has a message about something you need help with or answers about! 🙂

After you listen, leave a comment below to share which card you got and how the message landed with you!

Here are the cards we pulled for you, along with their descriptions:


“A girl rests with her head slightly bowed, as if deep in thought. The quietude of the open courtyard, solitary chair and doves huddled on top of the wall create an air of hushed contemplation. In tarot symbolism, two pillars, represent the realm of opposites and a need for balanced diplomacy and tact, both activities of the mind. Doves, on the other hand, represent ascension, aspiration, love and peace, offering potential for a higher perspective.

Thought is a powerful spiritual vibration and can be used to generate atmospheres of healing or harmfulness, depending on the evolution of the thinker. The presence of this card highlights the importance of your thoughts, as they precede action and are the driving force behind how you experience life. If you have cause to reason, decide, discover, or resolve a situation, now is a favorable time. The quality of thoughts will always determine the wisdom of your choices. Be aware of the positive power of your thoughts and how they affect your current situation and others around you. When reasoning ends, use the calming, intuitive influence of mediation as a tool to soften any raw edges and restore balance.”


“Here, amind an emerging field of spring green stands a praying angel. Above her head, delicate butterflies symbolize metamorphosis. A solitary tree is decorated with ripe golden fruit inscribed with words such as truth, charity, and joy. An iconic dove of peace perches amid its boughs. Beneath the tree, a descending swirl of tiny stars transform into snowdrops as they touch the ground.

According to legend, when Adam and Eve were expelled from Eden, Eve was sorrowful that the cold and snowy winters would never end. An angel came to comfort her, breathing on a snowflake to transform it into a snowdrop. Snowdrops are among the first flowers we see after the barren winter months and are a symbol of hope.

When things go wrong, we often cling to cold facts rather than embrace hope, for fear of humiliation and disappointment. Bas the saying goes, :When the world says give up, hope whispers, try one more time.” Hope is one of the most powerful human emotions, and awakens courage, strength, and inspiration. No matter the hardships, when life’s burdens are hard to bear, she gives us new perspective.

The presence of this card may well be saying, “Keep on going and don’t give up!” On the other hand, now may be time to reevaluate what you are hoping for. You would also be wise to remember that false hope can lead to delusion as powerfully as it can empower us to manifest our dreams and aim toward a brighter, more beautiful future.

If prospects look bleak and uncertainty abounds, call on the fortitude of Hope for reassurance, and her elder sister Faith, for the courage to trust in the divine scheme of things.”


“Against a background taken from an original vintage postcard, the spirit of Adventure prepares for her voyage into the unknown. She readies the reins of her butterfly escort for takeoff. Adventure wings its way toward the receiver bearing tales of discovery, renewed inspiration, and exploration from foreign lands.

This card speaks of a willingness to learn. The spirit of adventure tests both rational and intuitive boundaries, and beckons us to boldly step into the realm of uncertainty and risk. Now is the time to review your direction or contemplate a new way of dealing with an existing situation.

Inner or outer adventures have the power to inspire new perspectives, which may involve some pain and discomfort as we found the courage to discard outmoded ideas and behaviors that no longer serve our journey.

By drawing on your inner resources and connecting with your deepest potential, the soul can be touched and uplifted as profoundly from an armchair as it can out in the world. Adventure in any dimension compels us to overcome obstacles and move efficiently toward our goals and dreams.

The presence of this card could also mark the state of a new phase in your life. Reset your internal compass, shake the dust from your wings and head for new horizons.”


We debated whether or not to continue as planned with opening enrollment for 1:1 coaching this week, which we do 3 times per year. Right now doesn’t necessarily feel like an ideal time to do anything!

But we decided to stay the course. For some, what’s going on in the world may have thrown a wrench into your plans, and coaching no longer makes sense. But for others, that same wrench may be the very reason it makes sense for you to have extra structure, support, and clarity right now.

It’s our job to help guide people through transitions, existential crises, and major life questions. So as long as people are experiencing that, we’ll be here to coach them!

So, if this turns out to be the right time for you to take some serious personal inventory and figure out where you’re going with your life and career, then we’re happy to talk to you.

Enrollment for 1:1 coaching is officially open NOW:

If you’re seriously considering coaching, read this page and then click “sign me up” to talk to one of us about the possibility.

Remember, you have until Tuesday, March 31, to fill out that form! After that, you can add your name to the wait list.

If you want more of a glimpse into our coaching style — how it works, and why it works — check out our episode from October 2019 called “Why career coaching has (almost) nothing to do with your career.”


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9 comments | add a comment | Share this > Tweet this > Email this >
  1. Wow, thank you guys! I picked “left” but all of the cards resonated with me and provided just the message I needed to hear from the Divine, each building on the message of the previous card.

    It’s great hearing from you guys in a time like this, stay well and stay indoors! ;D

  2. Please do this again! It was fun and different! Great job describing the cards and adding your interpretations. I selected the middle card and applied it to a situation with positive results.

  3. I picked middle and it was exactly what I needed! In a time of chaos I was doubting my idea of starting a podcast and this nudged me to try one more time. So good!

  4. Pingback: Clarity on Fire

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