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Need a little clarity, guidance, or just a fun pick-me-up?

Then today’s your day, because we’re back with another Message from the Universe episode! ✨👀🔮

We pulled a few cards from The Enchanted Map deck by Colette Baron-Reid (plus some bonus cards from our new Tosha Silver deck!). One or all has a message for you — come find out what it is! 

We started this episode with a little ~dream interpretation.~ Back in January we asked you to share your dreams, and you stepped up! Not only does Rachel interpret a couple, but one of them leads to a top-tier, mic-drop-worthy sermon that you’re NOT going to forget any time soon.

Check out the cards and written descriptions here:


“Your intuition allows you to see beyond the mundane, logical, and analytical. Follow it.”

Upright: Moonlight beckons. Come, and trust your intuition to lead you into places that may not seem logical. Your hunches will be right on target. Resist “second-guessing” yourself, for your alternative perception is especially sharp right now. You can see beyond the surface of things and truly read between the lines. This is a good time to use oracle cards or other systems of divination to gain information.
Remember that the language of intuition is a symbolic one. It comes subtly through a hunch, a “tingling,” a clear sound, or an animal or object crossing your path. Spirit is sending you messages to help you now. Success is yours if you follow the signs.
Reversed: Too much analyzing is getting you nowhere. Stop overthinking things. You may be exhausted from second-guessing yourself all the time and losing your footing.

Are you insecure about your ability to make good choices? Step back and regroup, and enter into a more trusting relationship with the flow of life. Don’t become overly concerned about perceived mistakes. How will you learn to dance if you don’t occasionally take a misstep? On the moonlit pathways, you can discover love and truth and wondrous things. There is nothing to fear but fear itself. Go play, have fun, stay open, and trust.


Magic Stream: 

“Everything is connected through the universal flow of consciousness.”

Upright: Every experience you have seems to have its own life story, with a beginning; a middle; and eventually, an end. However, there is danger in seeing events as separate from one another, since in fact they are all part of a continuity and a greater evolution.
Like an ever-flowing Magic Stream, your experience filters through the whole world, one leading into another, informing and influencing still more. Inspiration, invention, and revelations rarely come to just one person. The collective awareness is a shared storehouse of potential. When you remember you’re part of the fluid continuity of life, you become a channel for great inspiration. Allow the magic to flow through you and carry your dreams into reality. Your success will benefit many.
Reversed: In a reversed position, the Magic Stream card represents swimming against the current. There are times when effort and sheer willpower result in victory and celebration, but this isn’t one of them. You can’t force inspiration, and you can’t manufacture creativity, lest you borrow too heavily from others’ ideas. Neither can you make someone love you or orchestrate a series of events that might place you in a more favorable position.
Now is the time to drop the “trying” and jump into the stream and float. Immerse yourself in the experience of being fully present with whatever is true for the moment. You’ll never step in the same river twice anyway.


Ride the Wave: 

“Right now, success is easy and effortless.”

Upright: You can be assured that you’re entering a time when you can ride the wave of abundance. The tide has turned, and you can put your “surfing” skills to the test! Everything that you know––all your talents, coupled with your hopes and dreams––will carry you forward. People and circumstances have come out of the ocean of potential and possibility to take shape in a wave of spectacular activity. Know that you’re definitely on the right path!

Reversed: You may be mistaking a rogue wave for a fun ride. You can only coast for so long before you hit the shoreline with a smack! The tide is ebbing, and your activities are now preparing you for when that wonderful wave comes in for you to ride. You’re meant to learn how to be a strong swimmer now. Don’t worry––preparation ensures a successful result! However, you must wait patiently for the right moment to come. Now is the time for conscious preparation and skill building.


Flow:“Allow me, Divine, to move with the Flow and respond with calmness and peace.”


And after you listen, leave a comment below to share how this one spoke to you!


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Get your concentrated shot of clarity here.  🔥


Message from the Universe: You have everything you believe you lack (January 2023)

Side Chat: A deep dive into emotional maturity (February 2023)

Renovating every area of your life in a year with Rachel (August 2022)


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